It's Monday
already! I hate Mondays, but I'm going to my mothers for a nice meal
and some fake sunshine (yes sunbed!). Talking about fake, I've got
this fake fur vest for like ages and I haven't worn
it in years. I wanted to wear this New Look jumper, but
it was still a bit could so that's why I combined it with the faux
fur vest, looks nice right?
When I was
shooting these piccs, the weather was so strange, it looked like it
was going to rain and suddenly we had like 2 seconds sunshine. Hate
that, I'm craving for real sunshine.
Anyway, in a few
weeks it's my birthday and I'm thinking about getting a camera. The
camera I use these days is a big and very complicated one of my dads.
I want a smaller one, more like an in-between. Suggestions?
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