Yeehaa I finally ordered the skirt from New Look I really want! In a few days it's my 22 birthday and I'm throwing a Sixties party, so I'm in desparate need of an outfit. I love the flowerpower idea, so this skirt is perfect! Also very nice to wear during summer. Can't wait for my package to arrive.
woensdag 29 februari 2012
dinsdag 28 februari 2012
You know you´re Dutch when..
Images: weheartit
Today I discovered the most funny website about Dutch people. Of course every country has prejudices about its population, for example Dutch people are stingy. Well, this website You know you're Dutch when.. tells you excatly who we Dutch people are. You can say we are a bit different.
You know you´re Dutch when...
`You can simultaneously talk on the phone, eat, and carry a bag of groceries in one hand while riding your bicycle through traffic. With your friend on the back. Geen probleem.`
`You have been to a gourmetten party recently.`
`You refill mineral water bottles.`
`You know that flickering candles increase gezelligheid.`
`You've invited people over for dinner and asked them to share costs.`
`You think all Germans dig holes in your beaches.`
`You think the French are arrogant, yet you still go on vacation to France every year.`
zondag 26 februari 2012
A little bit of Happiness
Sometimes there are days, that just don't feel like doing anything. Well, today is one of these days. I think it's because I haven't been clubbing yesterday evening, instead I went out Friday so I feel a bit confused with the days.
I'm really looking forward to summer. Tanning, drinking wine in the sun, eating fruit all day, wearing skirts without tights.. Hmm lovely. Talking about summer, I booked a holiday yesterday with my friends! To Lago di Garda in Italy, I already haven been there a few times but I'm in love with the place. I'm also planning on booking a holiday with my boyfriend, but we haven't decided where we want to go yet.
Sorry for almost not posting this week, I had my first check of my thesis last Thursday, so I was kinda busy. Besides that, I totally lacked inspiration. Tomorrow a new week, hopefully with some more inspiration.
maandag 20 februari 2012
Fur and further

It's Monday
already! I hate Mondays, but I'm going to my mothers for a nice meal
and some fake sunshine (yes sunbed!). Talking about fake, I've got
this fake fur vest for like ages and I haven't worn
it in years. I wanted to wear this New Look jumper, but
it was still a bit could so that's why I combined it with the faux
fur vest, looks nice right?
When I was
shooting these piccs, the weather was so strange, it looked like it
was going to rain and suddenly we had like 2 seconds sunshine. Hate
that, I'm craving for real sunshine.
Anyway, in a few
weeks it's my birthday and I'm thinking about getting a camera. The
camera I use these days is a big and very complicated one of my dads.
I want a smaller one, more like an in-between. Suggestions?
zaterdag 18 februari 2012
New loves
Yeehaa I finally got my biker boots from Nelly! I'm very excited to make some nice outfit pictures with them, but here you can see a little preview.
This scarf I really ADORE! A friend of mine brought it during my SWAP party, but so many people wanted to have this item that I didn't get it. I was really sad about it (actually I was really mad, I fucking wanted that scarf). But one of my best friends got it, she deserved it because she's such a sweetheart. But still the scarf was constantly on my mind. She knew I wanted that scarf so badly, so she gave it to me as a present! (At first she wanted to give me the scarf for me birthday which is in three weeks, but she knew I was freakin obsessed with it).
What I really would like to say:
Vera, you're the best!
You made my week (and it was a bad one).
I really love you and you're one of my dearest friends!
I know it sounds like I went fucking crazy about that item, but hey.. when a fashionista wants something.. these things just happen.
vrijdag 17 februari 2012
SWYF Blogger Event
Hello you guys! How was your week?
I've been very busy, as always, so that's why I'm posting these pictures of the SWYF Blogger Event a bit late. This event happend a week ago, but hey, never too late to tell the story right?
Well, my work, SWYF, organised a special blogger event to present an exclusive blogger widget. My role was top socialize with all them bloggers which was really fun. Most of them already installed the Style Widget. I also installed the widget on my blog, so perhaps I will organize some style sessions in the future!
New Look was also a part of the event. They had fashion items for every blogger to take home. I also scored a nice sweater, which I will show later on.
I had trouble with picking an outfit, because I was in Amsterdam for a few days so I couldn't bring to many clothes with me. I had to wear 2 panties (like 120 DEN or something) because of the shitty weather and I was still freezing my ass off. Anyway, I went all black with my lovely Zara skirt and dress with cute little stars. What do you think?
from on Vimeo.
maandag 13 februari 2012
Monday Morning Glory
Fur vest: H&M
Pink Knit: New Look
Glitter top: Vero Moda
A glimpse of my today's look.
P.s. I hate mondays.
zondag 12 februari 2012
zaterdag 11 februari 2012
Yaaay I finally found some cute biker boots which aren't overpriced! It took a while but hey! I just ordered them so I hope they will arrive soon. Anyway I also ordered this top last week and I got it yesterday. I'll make some piccs soon.
It's already 18.27, so I have to get ready because me and my friends are going to have dinner tonight. I'm excited only it's so cold, I really do not wanna go outside. I also don't know what to wear, perhaps I go for less fashionable and more warmth.
Have a nice weekend!
woensdag 8 februari 2012
Marni for me
Marni, one of my favorite high fashion brands. I love the cute prints and soft colors. So I almost couldn't be happier when I found out that this brand was the next H&M collaboration! It will be launched at March 8th, my birthday, so perhaps someone (boyfriend?) will be very generous this year with presents.
How is your week so far? Mine goes way too fast.. I had to do so much these last few days, so I'm a bit stressed. Especially because I have to find a subject for my thesis (before tomorrow morning). AAAA. Ideas?
zaterdag 4 februari 2012
A few moments of ease
1. Lunch! I love having lunch with friends. Last week I went lunching with an old friend, catching up at Bagels & Beans, one of my favourite places.
2. I love the shape of cupcakes, they look so cute. Honestly, I don't like the taste of them, too sweet. But I got a cute cupcake lunch place in my street, so my friend and I went to visit the place.
3. Coffee! Very cliché, but Starbucks is my favourite. Happiness in a cup.
4. These little dolls are handmade Worry Dolls. The Guatemalan tradition is to tell the dolls your worries in the evening. Then put them under your pillow and in the morning your worries will be gone. I got them when I bought a shirt.
Have a nice weekend guys!
vrijdag 3 februari 2012
Backstage @ AIFW Spijkers & Spijkers
Cute collection heh? I really adored this one. It's from SIS, Dutch design duo called
Spijkers & Spijkers, they also showed at London Fashion Week this summer.
This pictures I took with my sell phone (that explains the bad quality) when I was
working backstage at the AIFW at the show of Spijkers and Spijkers.
The model I worked with was Tamara Slijkhuis, she has recently won Holland's
Next Top Model. The show and the collection have been well received :).
Someday I would really like to have a SIS dress. Too damn cute.
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